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Death Note: Near and God (Spoilers)

Near, L’s successor, curiously shares many traits with the Christian God. Firstly, Near’s portrayal as godlike is supported by the fact...

Death Note (Anime) Review (No Spoilers)

4/4 stars When Yagami Light, the top high school student in Japan, comes across the Death Note, a notebook with the power to kill just by...

Worst Dragon Ball Z Villains

1. Babidi. A wizard, Babidi relies on magic rather than strength. His desire is to revive Buu. Once Buu is revived, however, he treats...

Best Dragon Ball Z Villains

1. Frieza. Frieza is hands down the best villain in Dragon Ball Z. He is the first character that has the power to destroy planets with...

Worst Dragon Ball Z Protagonists

1. Chi-chi. Chi-chi is even worse in Dragon Ball Z than she was in Dragon Ball. She ignores the fact that her husband is in critical...

Best Dragon Ball Z Protagonists

1. Vegeta. Vegeta wants to get stronger. Period. He has pride, and he has the power to back it up. In Dragon Ball Super, he actually...

Worst Dragon Ball Villains

1. Pilaf. Pilaf is the first main antagonist in Dragon Ball. However, when creating Pilaf, Toriyama still was infected by the “gag-bug”...

Best Dragon Ball Villains

1. King Piccolo. King Piccolo is a frightening demon that has the power to spawn powerful demons by laying eggs through his mouth. He...

Worst Dragon Ball Protagonists

1. Chi-chi. Chi-chi as a child lacks emotional control, crying easily. As an adult she is equally temperamental, getting mad at Goku for...

Best Dragon Ball Protagonists

1. Goku. Goku is the main protagonist of the series. He is pure of heart, refreshingly immune to feminine charm, and is easily able to...

21 Review (No Spoilers)

2/4 stars In Robert Luketic’s 21, protagonist and genius MIT student Ben Campbell, played by Jim Sturgess, gets accepted to Harvard...

The King's Speech Review (No Spoilers)

4/4 stars Tom Hooper’s The Kings Speechis a simple, yet enthralling film. Prince Albert, played by the incredible Colin Firth, seeks a...

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