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  • Writer's picturesnorlaxcinema

Worst Dragon Ball Villains

Updated: May 19, 2020

1. Pilaf.

Pilaf is the first main antagonist in Dragon Ball. However, when creating Pilaf, Toriyama still was infected by the “gag-bug” he caught while working on Dr. Slump. As Pilaf is cocky and goofy, he is not terrifying whatsoever.

2. Tsuru-sennin.

The rival of Kame-Sennin. His students rival Kame-sennin’s students. So why in the heck is Tsuru-sennin so much weaker than Kame-sennin? They trained under the same master! One Kamehameha from Kame-sennin sends him flying. There is no excuse for why Tsuru-sennin is so weak.

3. Commander Red.

Standing at about 3 feet tall, Commander Red is extremely insecure about his height. He leads the Red Ribbon Army. He is poised to dominate the world. He seeks the Dragon Balls. His wish? To get taller. I’m not sympathetic. I don’t think his assistant who killed him at the last second, Commander Black, was either.

4. Monster Carrot.

I didn’t like it when Majin Boo in Dragon Ball Z had the ability to turn people into candy, and I didn’t like it when the Rabbit mob boss had the ability to turn people into carrots. I can get over the fact that there is a talking anthropomorphic rabbit. I just don’t like it villains have goofy powers like turning people to different types of food.

5. Giran.

This type of dragon doesn’t grant wishes. Rather, he shoots sticky gum out of its mouth to immobilize opponents. The logic or lore behind that I will never know. When Goku displays stone-crushing strength, Giran surrenders immediately, being the first character in Dragon Ball to surrender with no injuries at all.

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