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Worst Protagonists in One Piece (Pre-Grand Line)

Updated: May 25, 2020

1. Usopp.

Usopp is brave in his own way, as he risks his life to defend his hometown. While Usopp has a good heart and earns Luffy’s approval, he is painfully frightful most of the time. Oda overuses Usopp for gags, many of them involving him being scared to the point his eyes pop out of their sockets. Often running away and hiding from his opponents, Usopp is my least favorite protagonist.

2. Koby.

Koby dreams of being a marine. However, Koby spent much of his life cowering in fear of Captain Alvida. Like Usopp, Koby is fearful. Luffy laughingly states that he is “clumsy and stupid”. Although Koby is good-hearted, he is a complete foil to the fearless Luffy. Oda’s design for Koby’s appearance isn’t exactly super cool. Many would agree in saying that Koby is kind of lame. It is ironic that he looks like Harry Potter, because he is not brave at all and would definitely be a Hufflepuff.

3. Patty.

Avid Sanji fans such as myself will dislike Patty. While Sanji embodies the soul of a true cook, Patty does not. When Sanji tries to virtuously feed Krieg and his pirates, it is Patty who tries to stop him. Patty is also kind of goofy in a non-funny way and weird (looking).

4. Woop Slap (Mayor of Luffy’s village).

The Mayor of Luffy’s village always seems to be in a bad mood. He hates pirates and does not approve of Luffy becoming a one, believing it will bring shame to Foosha village. He also doesn’t like the Red-Haired Shanks. If the uptight mayor had his way, the One Piece series would not even exist.

5. Koushirou (Zoro's Sensei).

Luffy gets Garp and Shanks. Nami gets Bellemere. Sanji gets Zeff. And Zoro gets… this dude? Zoro’s sensei is a bit laid back for a swordmaster, as he is always smiling without a care in the world and displays no charisma. He tells his own daughter that she cannot be a great swordsman because she is a female.

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